I am halfway to my $2200.00 goal. All in FOUR days. I have some very generous family and friends! I have currently raised $1075.00. In FOUR days. Wow. Did I mention this was just in four days?
Thank you to my sweet Mom and Dad, the very generous Bobby and Ellen (they are responsible for half of the money I have raised so far!), Pat, Pam and Gwen! I will be thinking of all of you during my training walks. My peeps rock.
This week I completed 3 days of my training - 4 miles on Tuesday, 2 miles on Wednesday (supposed to be cross training but I decided to walk anyway) and 4 miles tonight. I have tomorrow off. Yeah!
Michael's 3rd grade class is hosting a Mother's Day Tea tomorrow. Michael, not a good one to keep secrets, keeps saying things like "there might or might not be a skit tomorrow. and my line may or may not be this...". And "we might be singing a song about moms ... but I'm not telling." He is terrible with secrets - but can't wait for me to be there. I'll probably cry. I'm kind of sappy that way. Any new thing Michael does - I cry.
Talking about crying...Stu passed his Six Sigma Black Belt test!
Woot! Not a small accomplishment and this is a big thing for him! Yeah Stu! So proud of him! (this is not the crying part). He had kept it a secret that he had taken the test and he got the results today. He asked Michael and I to meet him for dinner at Atlanta Bread Company. So we went - he told us the news. We were so excited! As Stu is telling me the story of how he thought he wasn't going to pass...how he kept it a secret ... I notice Michael tearing out the coupon for the free cookie from the Atlanta Bread Company kids activity book. I thought he was just ready for his cookie as he was finished with his grilled cheese. Stu pauses in his story and Michael presented Stu with the free cookie coupon. As a reward for passing this big exam. And Michael cried a little because he was so proud of Stu. And I cried because I was so proud of Michael. And Stu cried because he got a cookie (just kidding about Stu crying!). Michael is such a sweet kid. Where did he get that from? Certainly not his mom!
Tomorrow is also a community meeting for Stu's work. Well ... it is a community meeting for him all day and then families are to come at 5:00 for a scavenger hunt and dinner. It will be my first time meeting Stu's new co-workers. A little nervous. Not certain what to wear. And I have a huge pimple on my cheek - what am I, a
pre-teen again? Maybe I will bring my clogging shoes. Everyone loves a
clogger. Right? Right.